This page is dedicated to help reviewers regarding the reviewer guidelines. Kindly reach out to us at in case of any queries.

publication ethics

Reviewer Board Guidelines

Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences (SAODS) (ISSN: 2642-1623) has laid down the below guidelines for reviewers for the quality outcome of the articles. Manuscripts submitted to SAODS are subjected to double blinded peer review process in which both the reviewer and the author remain unidentified to each other. SAODS affirms that, thorough peer review process is an analytical process to outturn quality articles to be published in the journal. Reviewer must not confess any information about a submitted article to anyone other than the corresponding author, editor, and the publisher.

  • Peer reviewers are requested to check the following requirements to enhance the manuscript quality.

  • The study should possess novelty and should present the results of original research. It is required that the reported results are not published elsewhere.

  • The manuscript has to meet the publication standards.

  • The study subject should be advanced over formerly published work.

  • Possible significance of the work with regard to the present and hereafter.

Reviewer’s Assignments During Peer Review

  • Present your perspective regarding quality of the article and provide the area of the article to be upgraded.

  • Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript.

  • Put forth your valuable suggestions to the author on how to improve the article.

  • If the article is worthy of rejection in your horizon, please explain the grounds on which the conclusion is posed.

  • Reviewers are requested to avoid any personalized statements that may be considered as biased.

  • The reviewers need to maintain confidentiality throughout the peer review process.

  • Reviewers are not allowed to make use of any confidential information from the paper prior to publication.

  • Even after publication, reviewers are allowed to use only the published data but not the content that they have gained from previous drafts during peer review process.

  • Information apart from the published content can be used only after acquiring permission from the author.

  • Reviewers are requested to perform the peer review with ensured uniformity and impartiality.

  • Reviewers are requested to complete the peer review analysis within the stipulated time period.

  • SAODS confidence the quality peer review process that the reviewers carry out so that it helps us to publish the article with best quality