
SAODS is indulged in facilitating article reprints with a goal to promote and disseminate published literature in the form of a quality paper according to your requisite.

  • Authors and co-authors are provided with a provision to order reprints of their published articles in SAODS.

  • After the article is published in the journal in the form of a PDF format, reprints will be produced from this final PDF article. All the articles that are published in SAODS can be accessed openly by the user without payment or any restriction

  • The PDF versions of these articles can also be downloaded and the users themselves can also make printed copies in case of small quantities or small volumes. However, to reproduce large quantities of the article, say above 100 reprints, the user needs to inform the copyright holder.

  • According to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, all the open access articles are free to view, read, download and print copies from the website upon acceptance from authors without any changes, additions, deletions and promotional content.

  • The users are requested to submit reprints cover letter to place your order. SAODS reprint service offers door delivery of reprints.

  • Costs are applicable for reprints and are exclusive of shipping charges.

Please feel free to contact in case of further queries.