SAODS – Volume 3 Issue 1

Publisher | : | Scienticon LLC |
Article Inpress | : | Volume 3 Issue 1 – 2020 |
ISSN | : | 2642-1623 |
Issue Release Date | : | January 01, 2020 |
Frequency | : | Monthly |
Language | : | English |
Format | : | Online |
Review | : | Double Blinded Peer Review |
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Volume 3 Issue 1
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Ray Besharati
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Fateme Azimi
Awareness of frequency of Haller’s cells is important for ostiomeatal unit and endoscopic surgeons because these cells can eliminate access in Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and may cause operation complications. In this study Investigation among existing CBCT images has the advantage of precise detection of haller’s cells and radiographic signs of maxillary sinusitis avoiding superimpositions and possible technical errors occur in panoramic radiography.
This study included existing CBCT data of 200 outpatients (100 men and 100 women) of an oral and maxillofacial radiology center between 2018 to 2019.
Among 6 patients with unilaterally right sinusitis, 2 patients showed left haller’s cells and 2 patients showed bilateral haller’s cells. Of 52 patients with bilateral sinusitis, 2 patients demonstrated left haller’s cells, 4 showed right haller’s cells and 2 showed bilateral haller’s cells.
This study found 19% frequency of haller’s cells. In this study association between existence of haller’s cells and non-odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is not statistically significant. Predisposing factors for narrowing of infundibulum should be evaluated individually.
Keywords: Haller’s Cells; Sinusitis; CBCT
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 1
João Marcelo Ferreira de Medeiros, Miguel Simão Haddad Filho, Marcelo dos Santos, Nivaldo André Zollner and Irineu Gregnanin Pedron
We analyzed the time required to fracture, fractured portion size and numbers of cycles at two nickel-titanium instruments Revo-STMand K3XFTM in fatigue test device fracture. Fifteen files of both number 25, 25 mm long and 0.06 taper driven in electric motor with speed (400 rpm) and controllable torque ( brands were coupled in a handpiece with 16:1 reduction. The range of motion of the instrument within 1.5 mm into the artificial canal and canal out. The 1.5 mm stainless steel canal with bending angle of 45° and radius of 5 mm. In tests, the instruments performed small transpassive 1 mm tip allowing visualization of the instrument at the time of fracture. Files Revo-STM and K3XFTM statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in all analyzed items. It was concluded that the time to fracture, fractured size and numbers cycles to fracture was lower portion of the instruments Revo-STM than K3XFTM.
Keywords: Endodontic Instruments; Nickel; Titanium
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Akama Gladys Mwango
Periodontal diseases are chronic inflammatory conditions of tooth supporting structures. Common forms of these diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Their primary etiology is bacteria present in the oral biofilm in form of dental plaque. However, the course, duration and severity depend on host immune response, which is further altered by systemic diseases such as diabetes; habits such as smoking; and socio-demographic characteristics. Early identification and modification of these risk factors reduces the prevalence of periodontal diseases especially in high risk groups such as HIV discordant individuals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of periodontal diseases and associated socio-behavioral risk factors among HIV discordant individuals attending AMPATH clinic in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on socio-demographics characteristics; medical/dental history; oral hygiene practices and oral health seeking habit. Oral clinical examination was done to establish presence or absence of plaque, gingival inflammation and clinical attachment loss. Descriptive data was presented in frequency tables, graphs and pie charts. Bivariate analysis and logistic regression were used to associate risk factors with prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases. Age, gender, oral hygiene practices and oral health seeking behaviour were associated either negatively or positively with prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases.
Keywords: Socio-Behavioral Factors; HIV Discordant Couples; Periodontal Disease
Case Report
Volume 3 | Issue 1
A Rare Location for a Dentigerous Cyst
Rasha Matouk
Dentigerous cysts, also known as follicular cyst, are the most common developmental cysts of the jaws and the second most common type of odontogenic cysts after radicular cysts [1]. They are commonly seen in association with impacted teeth with the following sequences lower 3rd molars, upper 3rd molars, and upper canine. Only 5 – 6% of dentigerous cysts are associated with supernumerary teeth. I present a case of DC associated with an impacted upper bicuspid in a 44 years old female. That was treated by enucleation procedures.
Keywords: Cyst; Dental; Impacted; Enucleation; Upper; Bicuspid; Treatment
Literature Review
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Luciano Bonatelli Bispo
The new concepts have changed the paradigms of Dentistry. The minimally invasive procedures with conservation of the tooth structure and the advances in smart materials are a tendency. Thus, a better understanding of its biology and its use is essential to clinical employment. The bioactive glasses have been used to stimulate the remineralization process in cariogenic challenges because the feature of release ions to jeopardized structures like dentin and enamel. The increase of pH in the oral environment, hence, with antibacterial effect and long-term ions leaching are have been desired. Therefore, these materials have been used in luting cements, composite resins, dentin bonding agents, tooth bleaching agents and anti-hypersensitivity dentin products. The aim of this literature review was to do an explanation about the bioactive glass to promote a better understanding of its real advantages in clinical practice.
Keywords: Longevity; Materials Testing; Dental Caries
Technical Paper
Volume 3 | Issue 1
Irineu Gregnanin Pedron, Marcelo do Lago Pimentel Maia, Mohamed Abdul Karim Saleh, Rabiith Ive Carolina Moreira Shitsuka and Caleb Shitsuka
Keywords: Chlorhexidine; Chlorhexidine/Antagonists and Inhibitors; Dental Plaque; Dentifrices; Periodontal Diseases