SAODS – Volume 3 Issue 3

Publisher | : | Scienticon LLC |
Article Inpress | : | Volume 3 Issue 3 – 2020 |
ISSN | : | 2642-1623 |
Issue Release Date | : | March 01, 2020 |
Frequency | : | Monthly |
Language | : | English |
Format | : | Online |
Review | : | Double Blinded Peer Review |
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Volume 3 Issue 3
Volume 3 | Issue 3
Irineu Gregnanin Pedron
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 – 1519), titan of the High Renaissance, was a genius of the time – anatomist, engineer, scientist, philosopher and inventor [1,2] – by the insightful ability of his empirical observations (understood as valuing experience) at the time. His works are timeless, as they are still studied today, under the attempt to decipher them.
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 3
Patricia Blanco-Jauset, Carlos Polis-Yanes, Claudia Oliver-Puigdomenech, Marta Domingo-Mesegue, Jose Lopez-Lopez and Antoni Marí-Roig
Osseointegrated dental implants can provide optimal anchorage in orthodontic movements due to the absence of mobility under this type of force. In addition, rehabilitation with fixed prostheses on implants has reported good long-term results, being then a safe and predictable method.
The objective of this systematic review is to determine the success of implants used as an anchoring method in an orthodontic treatment. In partially edentulous patients who need orthodontic treatment, dental implants may offer many advantages. Although the results are promising, more randomized controlled studies are needed to evaluate the follow-up of prosthetically loaded implants previously used as an anchor in orthodontic treatments Keywords: Osseointegrated Dental Implants; Anchorage Method; Orthodontic Treatments
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 3
Pérez-Vásquez Alexander
Introduction: The placement of implants in the anterior sector of the lower jaw, has led to complications with respect to the proximity to the lingual foramen (LF) and its bony channels. Sequelae have been reported due to deficient planning and/or complete ignorance of the anatomy of the area, such as paresthesia or unusual intraoperative bleeding. Given this situation, research has been carried out in different latitudes (with the exception of Latin America) in order to characterize this structure.
Objective: To characterize the mandibular LF by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in patients who attended the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Service of the Teaching Dental Clinic of the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia Lima – 2017 to avoid complications and/or sequelae in the placement of implants in the area.
Materials and Methods: T255 CBCT were evaluated, and the distance from the top of the alveolar ridge to the LF was determined. The length of the LF, the location with respect to the geni process, the existence of accessory ducts and the characteristics of LF with respect to sex were determined.
Results: 54.22% (122) belonged to the female sex and 45.77% (103) to the male. The distance from the LF to the alveolar ridge had an average of 17.4mm ± 4.08, the length of the LF had an average of 8.54 ± 2.06. The LF was above the geni process in 82.22% (185) and 17.78% (40) was below. As for the accessory ducts, 53.33% (120) presented a single duct and 46.67% (105) more than two ducts.
Conclusion: The female sex presented greater distance from the alveolar ridge to the LF and a greater number of accessory ducts.
Keywords: Jaw; Cone Beam Computed Tomography; Anatomical Variation
Research Article
Volume 3 | Issue 3
María Alejandra Andrade Rodríguez, Daniela Karina Carrillo Márquez and Katherine Andreina Estupiñán Ramírez
Introduction: The agenesis is a congenital absence of one or more of the deciduous teeth or permanent, associated with different factors. You can commit to various organs, being the third molar which it exhibits the highest prevalence of agenesia at the global level. The objective of the present investigation is to determine the prevalence of tooth agenesis of the third molars in young patients between 14 and 22 years of age attending dental consultation in a private office in the city of Mérida, Venezuela.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study. 120 patients were selected, which were analyzed by means of the study of clinical histories and panoramic radiographs. The results were organized in a registration form.
Results: Presented agenesia of the third molars in a 23.3%, more frequently in women with a 12.5% in the left maxillary, corresponding to 29.
Conclusion: The results show that the frequency of third molar agenesis is within the percentages reported by the literature. However, its specific cause is unknown.
Keywords: Agenesia; Third Molar; Young People
Review Article
Volume 3 | Issue 3
Luciano Bonatelli Bispo
Introduction: The evolution of techniques, materials and a better understanding of the etiology, incidence, prevalence and prevention of periodontal diseases, has improved drugs and surgical therapies in Dentistry. The approximation and suturing of blood vessels, the precise millimetric cut, the better coaptation of the surgical flaps and the first intention healing are some of the benefits of magnification. The aim of this literature review was to demonstrate the advantages of using the operating microscope in Dentistry, particularly in Periodontics, with scientific basis.
Methodology: The paper selection was performed by electronic search in the PubMed/MEDLINE and SciELO databases, between 2009 and 2019, with the terms of indexation: operatory microscope, periodontal plastic microsurgery and magnification.
Results: The microscope presents excellent approximation for better reproduction of aesthetic and functional details. Additionally, an atraumatic manipulation of the tissues, minimizing bleeding with a clearer and more visible operative field. It enables better blood nutrition of the flaps, approaching the surgical flaps of the surgical wound in perfect juxtaposition. This reduces the surgical waiting period, allowing greater comfort for the patient. There are few studies and much discredit on the subject because the use of the microscope is eminently clinical. Thus, a systematic review is necessary to evaluate this technology, discarding it from empiricism.
Conclusion: Inside the consulted literature the operating microscope should be used to provide greater approximation, greater visual comfort for the operator and better postoperative reestablishment for the patient, especially in periodontal surgeries.
Keywords: Operatory Microscope; Dentistry Clinic; Periodontics; Clinical Practice
Case Report
Volume 3 | Issue 3
Aurelio Medina, Maria Fry, Zoila Refulio and Juan E Bazan.
In dentistry, it has shown enormous benefits for both the clinician and the patient, it is considered as a possible adjuvant within the periodontics. The oxidative potential of ozone is useful in both infectious processes and healing, as it accelerates the physiological healing process, with significant reduction in pain.
The great oxidative capacity has led to its widespread application in dentistry. However, it should be taken into account that high concentrations have the ability to kill any living organism.
Keywords: Ozone; Dentistry; Periodontics Therapy; Wound Healing