Waiver Policy

  • Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences (SAODS)(ISSN: 2642-1623) grant waiver to authors who are unable to afford article publication fee.
  • The applications from corresponding authors belongs to Low Income Countries may be granted up to 75% waiver and from Lower Middle Income Countries may be granted up to 40% waiver.

  • The waiver policy is managed by accounts department not involved in decisions about acceptance of article.
  • Corresponding authors who are requesting for waivers must strongly explain the reason for their waiver applications to be granted. Authors who are eligible for waivers should send application along with the submission of their manuscripts.

  • Submit your application for waiver to Accounts Department at editor@saods.net

Waiver Application Process

  • Authors must demonstrate the reason for their waiver applications should be granted.
  • The application should be submitted along with the manuscript submission.
  • The application should contain the following information.
  • Title of the Manuscript
  • Corresponding Author with Affiliation and Country

  • List co-author(s) with Affiliation(s) and Country
  • Reason for applying waiver

  • Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences reserve the right to approve or reject a waiver application. The approval will be communicated with the corresponding author within 15 days after the application for waiver.
  • Waiver Application Form can be downloaded here

Refund policy

Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences do not offer any refunds for Open Access articles once they have published after peer review process.